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Eğitimler, öğreticilerimiz ve uzmanlık merkezlerimiz aracılığıyla becerilerinizi geliştirmenize yardımcı oluyoruz. İndirme merkezimiz, ürün yelpazemizle ilgili tüm ürün ve mevzuat bilgilerini bulmanızı kolaylaştırır.

Bizim misyonumuz

Delta Plus, 45 yılı aşkın bir süredir, iş yerinde profesyonelleri korumak için kişisel ve toplu koruyucu ekipman (KKD) alanında eksiksiz bir çözüm seti tasarlamakta, standartlaştırmakta, üretmekte ve küresel olarak dağıtmaktadır.

Aile geçmişi

Bizim tarihimiz

Delta Plus News Delta Plus launches its new website

Delta Plus launches its new website

Today, we are proud to unveil our brand new website, which brings together under a single banner all the activities of the Delta Plus Group (personal protective equipment and collective protection systems), throughout the world.

Delta Plus launches its new website

Today, we are proud to unveil our brand new website, which brings together under a single banner all the activities of the Delta Plus Group (personal protective equipment and collective protection systems), throughout the world.


Delta Plus Inside, Etkinlik

Delta Plus launches its new website

Update 09.08.23

Discover our new website!

Today, we are proud to unveil our brand new website, which brings together under a single banner all the activities of the Delta Plus Group (personal protective equipment and collective protection systems), throughout the world. This site reflects our commitment to reinventing ourselves and offering you a modern and optimised version of Delta Plus. 
This site has one ambition: to make it easier for you to find the information that's important to you. Everything has been thought out to ensure that your digital experience with Delta Plus is a success. That's why we're offering you new or redesigned features to ensure you have a time-saving online experience. 
This site has been created with you in mind, and throughout the year we will continue to add new resources (white papers, webinars, articles by experts, etc.) to provide you with new food for thought and make you want to come back again!

Launch date of the new www.deltaplus.eu

On 23 October, you will discover this new, completely redesigned space, with a new design and navigation inspired by the B2C world. To make this transition, our current site will be unavailable on 20, 21 and 22 October, only to return on the 23rd!

How do I log in to my Delta Plus account?

The connection to your customer area has changed. You can still access the login screen with your usual login details via the "my account" button. Once logged in, you can enter your e-mail address and the password of your choice.


Discover the features of the new site in video:


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