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Delta Plus News Delta Plus awarded Best Managed Companies by Deloitte

Delta Plus awarded Best Managed Companies by Deloitte

Delta Plus is one of 19 French companies to be awarded the 2024 label in Deloitte France's Best Managed Companies programme.

Delta Plus awarded Best Managed Companies by Deloitte

Delta Plus is one of 19 French companies to be awarded the 2024 label in Deloitte France's Best Managed Companies programme.


Noticias financieras

Delta Plus awarded Best Managed Companies by Deloitte

Update 26.06.24

What is the "Best Managed companies" label?

Rolling out in France for the first time in 2021, the "Best Managed Companies" label was founded over thirty years ago by Deloitte Canada. The programme is now present in over 46 countries, labelling a total of 1,300 companies worldwide, including 19 in France this year.

Companies are assessed on the basis of their long-term strategy, their talent management and innovation capacity, their CSR policy, as well as their governance and financial management. These criteria are used to measure a company's differentiating factors and its ability to meet current and future challenges.
Delta Plus is one of 19 French companies to have been awarded the Best Managed Companies label for 2024. "For this third edition in France, we are delighted to count Delta Plus among the companies to have received our Best Managed Companies label.
Best Managed Companies", says Guillaume Detourmignies, Partner Leader Best Managed Companies France.

Sophie Lapertot, Delta Plus HR director

"We are very proud to have been awarded the "Best Managed Companies" label for the second year running. At Delta Plus, our vision is one of long-term commitment. Receiving this label is recognition of this vision, which benefits both our employees and our partner customers," says Jérôme Benoît, CEO of Delta Plus.


About Deloitte
Deloitte refers to one or more member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), a private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, which are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (or "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. To find out more about our global network of member firms: www.deloitte.com/about. In France, Deloitte SAS is the member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, and professional services are provided by its subsidiaries and affiliates.
08:44 Deloitte SAS, Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited


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