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Nuestra misión

Desde hace más de 45 años, Delta Plus diseña, estandariza, fabrica y distribuye globalmente un conjunto completo de soluciones en equipos de protección individual y colectiva (EPI) para proteger a los profesionales en el trabajo.

Historia familiar

Nuestra historia

Irritant and toxic substance-free PPE

The function of PPE is to protect, but sometimes the repeated wearing of certain equipment can be a source of discomfort. Delta Plus selects PPE without irritating substances.

0 % silicone latex dmf

Experiencia, Productos

Irritant and toxic substance-free PPE

Update 17.09.24

What materials make up your personal protective equipment?

Most PPE incorporates specific materials selected for their properties. These include PPE made from rubber, latex, leather, polyester, cellulose, polyethylene, polyamide, synthetic fur, PVC, etc. Whether natural or not, these materials are most often chemically treated and coloured. 


The choice of these materials and their treatments is not trivial. Their purpose is to enhance the performance of the PPE or the comfort of the worker:
- latex is favoured for its watertightness and elasticity, 
- Silicone, for its softness, flexibility and ability to waterproof textiles,
- phthalates are added to plastics to make them more flexible,
- The PVC foam used in earplugs is a highly effective acoustic insulator,
- Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) applied to textiles is designed to prevent the development of mould,
- azo dyes make it possible to obtain very resistant dyes, which are essential when the visibility of workers guarantees their safety,
- graphene, used in certain disposable masks, has biocidal and virucidal properties.


Did you know? Graphene also has amazing properties that promote thermoregulation. Find out how Delta Plus has incorporated it into its PPE to make work in hot weather more comfortable

P PPE materials, a source of possible reactions for workers

These materials can sometimes cause discomfort or even illness. Allergies are not uncommon and are sometimes directly caused by the protective equipment worn by operators. Skin reactions linked to the wearing of latex gloves, for example, are widespread among health professionals. The socio-economic consequences of these illnesses can have a major impact on both the worker and the company, sometimes necessitating adjustments to the workstation or even time off work.

Dermatitis, hives, itching, dry skin, swelling, anaphylactic reactions...  When wearing PPE starts to cause these symptoms, there's only one solution: eviction! Not of the PPE itself, which is essential for worker safety, but of the sensitising agents.


There are also environmental risks: nanoparticles, nanoplastics, the release of harmful toxins when exposed to heat, etc. Some chemicals inevitably have an impact on the environment. 


- Silicone, for example, takes over 500 years to degrade. 
- When incinerated, equipment containing PVC emits VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which accumulate in water, soil and the atmosphere. 


These are all nuisances that end up affecting human beings, and which any company committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility approach wants to reduce.


Delta Plus helps you spot "PPE Sans" in its range

Delta Plus is committed to protecting workers' health while limiting its environmental impact, in particular by offering equipment that contains no harmful elements, without reducing its performance. 

- Because the skin of the hand in direct contact with a glove is particularly sensitive to skin irritation, Delta Plus has selected an extended range of gloves that are latex-free, silicone-free, DMF-free, phthalate-free and free from azo dyes,

- We have also integrated latex- and silicone-free overalls, PVC-free earplugs and graphene-free breathing masks for complete, optimum worker protection.


How do I find these products in our catalogue?



Go to our selection guide. Search by "technical criteria", click on the type of protection you want, then on "Other criteria", and finally on "Additional benefits". All the "without" products will be displayed. All you have to do is make your choice according to your needs: simple and clear!


Did you know?

In addition to the choice of PPE and its components, the correct use and cleaning of your equipment is also essential. Discover our advice on how to properly maintain and store your PPE between jobs.



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