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Spoločnosť Delta Plus už viac ako 45 rokov navrhuje, štandardizuje, vyrába a celosvetovo distribuuje kompletný súbor riešení v oblasti osobných a kolektívnych ochranných prostriedkov (OOP) na ochranu profesionálov pri práci.

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Delta Plus News EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus

EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus

We are proud to announce that Delta Plus has just been awarded the Bronze Medal in the EcoVadis global CSR standard, with a score of 61/100!

EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus

We are proud to announce that Delta Plus has just been awarded the Bronze Medal in the EcoVadis global CSR standard, with a score of 61/100!


Financie, Positive impact

EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus

Update 13.08.24

Bronze medal

We are proud to announce that Delta Plus has just been awarded the Bronze Medal in the EcoVadis global CSR standard with a score of 61/100!

This result places our company in the top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis over the last 12 months. 

EcoVadis rewards companies for their commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

This award is the fruit of Delta Plus's long-standing commitment to its "Positive Impact" approach, based on the 3 People Planet & sustainable Economy pillars and broken down into 10 CSR commitments.

We would also like to thank all Delta Plus employees who contribute every day to moving our company towards a more sustainable world.

Bronze medal EcoVadis for Delta Plus group

What does the EcoVadis label consist of?

The methodology used by the EcoVadis platform covers 7 management indicators divided into 21 CSR criteria in 4 themes:  

  • Environnement : limiting our carbon footprint,
  • Social and human rights: putting people at the heart of our strategy,
  • Business ethics: contributing to a fairer world tomorrow,
  • Responsible purchasing: integrating environmental, social and economic criteria into the purchasing process.

The evaluation method takes into account the importance of precisely defining the CSR issues facing the company being evaluated, depending on its sector of activity, size and geographical location. In addition, the assessment criteria are based on international CSR standards such as the principles of the UN Global compact, ILO conventions, GRI standards and ISO 26 0004. The quality of the evaluation method is controlled by an international scientific committee.


credit : EcoVadis.com

Results of the EcoVadis rating platform by theme for the Delta Plus group




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